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3 Tips on How To Create Social Media Campaigns Based On Major Holidays

It’s time to pull the calendar out, mark off the upcoming major holidays, and create social media campaigns based on them! Here at Avenue180, we love long weekends with bank holidays because, not only do we love chillin’ out on long weekends, but we have seen sales hit the roof with the social media campaigns we’ve created!

So here’s an insider look at 3 tips on how to create social media campaigns based on major holidays that work in boosting sales!

Match Your Audience’s Needs to Holidays

Take a look at your list of holidays coming up and brainstorm what holidays resonate with your target audience the most. If your brand is a jewelry store,  then for Valentine’s Day and Christmas time create a social media campaign based on these holidays and showcase your top jewelry pieces that match the holiday.

Create a Social Media Campaign With Short-Term Goals

Ask yourself, what do you want to achieve in a short period of time? Since public holidays create long weekends, your followers have some free time to browse online, so create short-term goals, specifically, tailored to the holiday. Let’s say Thanksgiving is coming up, your goal is to get followers to make a purchase using your Thanksgiving promo code for a 3-4 day period.

Execute Your Social Media Campaign

Once you’ve created a social media campaign, schedule your posts on a content calendar and auto-schedule them on Hootsuite or Buffer. Using the Thanksgiving example, schedule the post time on Thursday when the majority of people will be on their phones, which is in the evening after Thanksgiving dinner. Timing is very important and make the call-to-action very clear to achieve your short-term goals.

Let Us Help You Create Effective Social Media Campaigns Now!

Don’t have time around the holidays to create a social media campaign? Let Avenue 180, do it for you! We love creating social media campaigns for every holiday that brings in a high return on investment! Contact us here and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!

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