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4 SEO Fundamentals That Don’t Change With Google Algorithm Updates

Change is the name of the game when it comes to SEO. However, many people miss out on the fact that there are some fundamentals of SEO do not change with time or search engine algorithm updates. That’s a fact. These fundamentals are what give high brand value websites the much-needed stability in rankings when the algorithm updates roll out. Let’s take a look at these fundamentals.


High Quality Content

Google has come to dominate the online search industry because of its exceptional ability to give people exactly what they are searching. So, as long as you are creating content that is useful, and meets an unmet need of your audience, your website will still be relevant, even when the search engines like Google change the way they rank the websites. Therefore, a new algorithm update is not going to make you irrelevant as long as your website features content that is actually useful to your audience.


Brand Authority of Network

Your network is the most important criterion for establishing your brand authority in the eyes of the search engines. To be specific, it is the reputation and authority of the websites which have links leading to your website that decides your brand value. If you have backlinks from high authority sites, then search engines attach higher authority to your website, and consequently, rank you higher in the search results. It should be noted that link-building has undergone tremendous transformations in the recent years, and will keep changing in the future too. However, the central idea remains the same – have backlinks on high brand authority websites.


Avoid Black-Hat Practices

Many webmasters simply don’t get this point. There is no shortcut to building a reputed and highly SEO optimized website. It takes an immense amount of work, and a good amount of time to build credibility and authority on the internet. Either out of desperation or in a hurry to taste success, many webmasters resort to black-hat principles. This leads to terrible problems for them. Black-hat SEO experts are constantly trying to find fault lines in search engine algorithms that they can exploit to give their websites a sharp boost in the search engine rankings. On the other hand, search engines are also regularly discovering the black-hat practices and improving their algorithms to detect and penalize websites that use them.

Therefore, if you use these black hat practices, you might get a short term boost in your search engine rankings, but you will be penalized by search engines in the long run, hurting your website’s performance severely. So, it’s best to avoid black-hat practices altogether.


Keywords are Always Important

Just like link building, keywords too have witnessed an immense change in their relevance and usage. Search engines have grown smart and sophisticated enough to recognize keyword replicas, keyword stuffing, and other illegitimate uses of keywords to boost website rankings. In fact, search engines actively penalize websites that have high keyword densities. So, webmasters have stopped focusing on keyword density and are now shifting to using more and more long-tail keywords. Although there has been a sea of change in how keywords are used, keywords continue to be extremely useful for every effective SEO strategy.

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