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4 Ways Companies Can Engage Their Target Market on Instagram

You can’t deny it – social media is here to stay! So more and more companies are heading to social media outlets like Instagram to target their intended audience and generate leads. At Avenue180, we’re social media gurus who know what works when getting the attention of your target audience. So let’s explore 4 ways that your company can engage your target audience on Instagram.

Timing is Everything

Think about the times and days when you scroll through your social media feeds looking for deals? It is during the morning or night? Weekdays or weekends?

Posts that have the highest Instagram engagement levels are on the weekends, especially on Sundays between 10 pm and 3 am EST. This is the time when most people are on their phones and your company can maximize visibility.

Keep it Real  

Since Instragram is image-based, it might be tempting to use filters to attract users. But according to the Track Maven’s Instagram report, research revealed that 89.03 percent of Instagram posts from Fortune 500 brands have no filter.

So keep it real when it comes to images you post on Instagram, so that means do not use filters!

Also, your images should be fun and be able to attract your target market with images that share a compelling and inspiring story.

Ask Questions

Once you’ve posted your non-filtered image, the caption should scream a thought-provoking question that should relate to your product or service.

Let’s say you’re advertising a new organic juice, ask the question, “Sick of sugared juices? Want something made out of 100% real fruit juice?” Posting a yes or no question on Instagram, catches users’ eyes and they are more likely to answer the question.

Reward Followers

Once you’ve posed a yes or no question, make an offer. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to pay for shipping costs if you offer a free sample. Don’t want to offer free stuff? How about offering a 20% discount to first-time buyers? We recommend you reward your followers with discount codes and promos. Free shipping in a good enticer!

Let Us Help You Create an Outstanding Instagram Campaign Now!

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