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4 Ways Local Businesses Can Cash In With The Pokemon Go Craze

As of this moment, the Pokémon Go craze has taken over the world! This new app turns a brisk walk through the neighborhood into a reality game that has everyone out and about! And you know that means? If you own a local business, it’s a good time to jump on the Pokemon Go marketing band wagon. This app can boost your sales as users walk around the city trying to catch Pokemon.
So to help your local businesses cash in on the Pokémon Go craze, here’s 4 things you have to do now to boost your sales using Pokémon Go.

Create a PokéStop Special

Locate the nearest PokéStop to your local business and promote PokéStop special. For example, if your cafe is a couple blocks away from a famous monument that also poses as a PokéStop, create a special that says, “After visiting the PokéStop near the Empire State Building on 5th Avenue, walk two blocks north and get ready for your next Pokémon Go adventure with a $2 Lemonade! ”


Post it on Social Media

Once you’ve created the PokéStop special, post it on your Social Media pages and don’t forget to tag it with PokéStop keywords such as #PokeMonSpecials #PokeStops.

Pay for Pokémon Lures

Paying for Pokémon Lures are worth it and they won’t burn a hole in your pocket because they only cost a few dollars. When you buy a Pokémon Lure for your business, the number of Pokémon increases and surround a PokéStop for 30 minutes. The more Pokémon you have popping up around your business, the more likely Pokémon players will visit your establishment.

Pokémon Lures

Don’t forget to promote your Pokémon Lure on Social Media by telling your followers when and where you’re setting up camp and invite them to visit the area at the specified time and date!

Host a Pokémon Hunt

The opposite of purchasing a Pokémon Lure, is to start a Pokémon Go tour at your local business.
Here’s what you do: set up a time and date for and go for a Pokémon Go tour with a group of customers. It’s a great way to interact with them and at the end of the tour, give them your Pokémon special free!

Pokémon Go tour

For your business to sky rocket, the folks here at Avenue180 are playing Pokemon and promoting clients right now to host their very own Pokémon Go tour on social media. We’ve seen a huge batch of new customers come forward just because of playing Pokémon.

Let Us Help You Create a Pokémon Go Promotion Now!

We’ve just presented 4 tips that will have your local business cashing in on the Pokémon Go craze. At Avenue180, we’re going gaga for Pokémon Go so let’s work together to create effective Pokémon Go marketing initiatives! Contact us here and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!

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