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5 Reasons Why Your PPC Leads Are Not Converting


There is a myriad of reasons why your PPC leads are not converting and it is essential to constantly identify potential problems and address them before they cost you a small fortune. It is also important to realize that many of the problems lie outside of the PPC channel. All too often PPC is the first thing blamed for a drop in conversions. If you’re a PPC manager at an agency, this can be difficult because you lose touch with the process once a user has become a lead and, as such, don’t have full insight into potential problems that fall outside of PPC.

Here are 5 reasons PPC lead aren’t converting that you should consider:

  1. Lack of communication between Marketing and Sales

The relationship between the marketing department and the sales department is the first place to look. A common problem in many companies is a lack of effective communication between the people in these two departments. You need to make sure that everyone is on the same page and understands where they fit in the sales process and how the sales cycle works. Marketing creates leads and sales converts these leads so they must be speaking the same language.

2. Not using data to determine your Sales Cycle Timeline

It is essential to use data to determine your sales cycle timeline and not assumptions. Companies often feel that they know their customers well enough to guess how they behave and base their sales cycle timeline on how they think an average buyer goes about purchasing their product. Most of the time, when using guesswork, this timeline is completely underestimated and will have a direct impact on your PPC. You are not going to be getting the conversions you expect unless you base your sales cycle timeline on real data.

3. Lack of budget

The most common reason that a lead is unqualified is because the potential customer says they don’t have the budget. Statistically 85% of people who show an interest in a product and don’t buy it will cite the reason as budget constraints. You need to determine whether this is the real reason and to also relook your pricing rather than simply disqualifying them as a prospective customer. Lack of budget, particularly if the majority of your leads are giving this reason, indicates a problem with the perceived market value of your product or service. It may be time to sharpen your pencil or design an offering these prospects can afford, rather than writing them off as unqualified.budget

4. Poor leads generated by High-Volume Keywords

When your PPC leads suddenly drop or stop converting you will need to take a close look at your PPC campaigns and the keywords and key phrases you are targeting. If the keyword is too broad or colloquial, or if the audience you’re targeting is too broad you will be throwing away your budget and not getting the quality leads needed, even if you are getting quantity. Rethink and research the keywords you’re using and try and narrow your audience down. Simple changes can produce very effective and timeous results.

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