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5 Ways to Increase E-Commerce Sales That Work!

Congratulations for getting your e-commerce website up and running. You’re now ready for business! But now you’ve just ran into a new hurdle, how are you going to get customers? Not only that, but how are you going to get sales that will bring back your ROI?

This is where Avenue180 comes into play. We’ve helped a whole heap of e-commerce websites ring in the ROI! We simply don’t waste time implementing sales tactics that don’t work. So here’s 5 ways to increase your e-commerce sales that actually work because we stand by them and have applied them to our very own projects!

  1. Less is more on Landing Pages

Think of a landing page, as when a customer walks into a store for the first time. In reality, there is usually someone there to greet the customer and perhaps in-store advertisements are on display. Think of a landing page as the same thing. When users open the landing page, they should feel welcomed and see the current promotion you have to offer.

So apply the ‘less is more’ concept to the landing page. Too many times, users are overwhelmed with multiple sliders promoting too many things and the infamous pop-up screen asking them to sign up for email alerts.  This kind of landing page bombardment can actually scare potential customers away.

Here are some tips on creating a landing page that will turn users into buyers:

  • Make sure your landing page is simple and free of clutter.
  • Aim for a clean landing page that clearly shows your company name, a welcoming picture and is easy to navigate.
  • Make sure there is a call-to-action on the page. Something that motivates the user to perform an action.



  1. Make the Shopping Cart Very Noticeable

This is a must! All e-commerce websites should have a visible shopping cart that pops out on the screen. Too many websites hide the shopping cart and if the user doesn’t see it within the first 15 seconds, they are most likely going to leave. Remember: the shopping cart is an e-commerce websites initial call-to-action! Here’s some tips on how to create an eye-popping shopping cart:

  • The shopping cart should be a different color from the rest of the website’s main color.
  • When items are added to the shopping cart, make sure it was visually updated. The user we’ll feel at ease, when they see the actual item they choose has been added to their shopping cart.
  • The shopping cart is located on the top of the screen and is always visible even when the user scrolls down.



  1. Advertise on Social Media

The power of social media is here to stay! The majority of people buy products and services online that they’ve seen advertised on Facebook or Twitter. At Avenue180, we live and breathe social media marketing and can attest we’ve made tons of e-commerce websites like Pillow Perfect into overnight successes just by advertising on social media.



  1. Install Proper Plug-Ins on Social Media

Don’t just open a Facebook and Twitter company page; make sure the plug-ins are visible on your eCommerce website! Since most people are on social media, the moment they hit “Like” on your Facebook page, they’ll get instant updates to whatever you’re selling and promoting on their newsfeed.



  1. Communicate Your Added Value

The final tip is to communicate what extras you offer customers. This strategy answers the question, “Why choose me over the competition?” Customers want to know what added extras you’ll throw in if they purchase your products and services. The most common extras are ‘Free Shipping over $50’ or a free product or sample.

Think about what enables your e-commerce to compete with others. These include:

  • Free returns
  • The option to pay with PayPal (this works great because not everyone has a credit card)
  • A 10% discount for the next purchase
  • Reliable customer service



Get Your E-Commerce Game Face On!

There are so many things you can do to boost your e-commerce sales. We’ve just touched the surface on how these e-Commerce tweaks can get new customers. At Avenue180 we’re e-commerce experts who can help your e-commerce website become a successful business with high return on investment! Let’s work together, contact us here and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!

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