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How to Create a Killer SEO Optimized Website

Who wouldn’t love to have a phenomenal website that is an SEO workhorse and carves itself a firm place in the first page rankings on Google? Everybody! But, of course, getting there isn’t easy. The best search engine optimized websites start early with SEO. Very early, often right from the beginning. Here’s how you can create a killer SEO optimized website right from the get go.


Focus on the Meta Data

You should have a website-wide strategy for creating high quality meta data for every webpage. Your meta title should feature relevant keywords. Make sure that the keyword appears only once, as replicas can get you penalized. Also, it should appear within the first 65 characters of the title, as search engines ignore the rest of it. Further, the keywords should also feature in header tags, alt image tags, and meta description. All of this will help search engines make sense of your text and images so that they can give them to relevant search engine users.


Links, Links, and Links

Legitimacy of external links has always played a strong role in Google’s search algorithm. Multiple experiments by SEO agencies have reaffirmed the fact that when you have external links to authoritative websites, with high domain authority as well as brand recognition, your search engine performance improves dramatically.

Apart from external links, backlinks are also another critical aspect of SEO. Having backlinks from authority sources will not only increase your traffic but also positively affect your SEO status. Then there are the internal links. Older posts that have been archived or forgotten can be revitalized and refreshed by interlinking them with your newer posts and content. The trick is to not feature too many links on your website as it can be off-putting to your visitors.


Keep It Lightweight

If you are still building the website, make sure that it is as lightweight as possible. Various elements such as flash, JavaScript, CSS, large image files, and so on can severely bog down your website’s speed and performance. Roughly one in every two users just leave the webpage if it doesn’t load in less than 3 seconds. So, don’t load up too many features on your website. Also, make sure that each webpage contains as less code as possible. The search engine’s crawler has to wade through all of that code to find content and index it. More code means less content, which hurts your website.



This is the best and most important SEO strategy – just create good and high quality content that is actually valuable to your audience. It’s always better to have a decent number of visitors who are highly engaged with your content rather than to attract a large number of them only to see them leave the website within the first few seconds, leading to a higher bounce rate. Also, use your keywords wisely. Try to keep their density to somewhere around 3 percent. Higher density can get you penalized.


These tips should get you started on the right path. They are by no means exhaustive SEO strategies, but more like the fundamentals that will help you establish a well-respected brand among your online audience.

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