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The Huge Role SEO Plays in Online Reputation Management (ORM)

How customers feel about your brand can have a big impact on your organization. It’s estimated, that 90 percent of shoppers are influenced by user-generated content when making a purchasing decision. If you aren’t able to control your online reputation management (ORM), you will struggle to build trust with the consumer. This will make it harder for you to generate sales and build a strong brand. When conducting ORM, you should make sure to use SEO techniques. Let’s look at some of the most effective SEO tools that you can employ to build a strong reputation.

Promote Positive Content

One of the best forms of ORM is getting people to view your positive content. This can mean sharing any awards that you’ve received or charitable organizations that you support. It might also mean documenting your progress in achieving an important milestone. For example, you might have recently upgraded the business headquarters and want to show-off your new space. SEO can be a great way of increasing the amount of traffic that these pages receive.

Use SEO To Promote Pictures

Often, when searching for a brand name, you will find that images are some of the first results that will appear. This makes them a critical part of ORM. By taking control of which images are the most popular, you will be able to instantly shape the initial perceptions that form around your brand. You can use SEO techniques to help you do this. For example, you might want to use keywords in the alt tags of images. This will make it easier for the search engine to recognize what the image is, and present it to the relevant audience. For this reason, you should use keywords in the alt tags, connecting each word with an underscore (_) sign. You can also practice this technique when naming the photos.

Build Your Credibility With High-Quality Content

Finally, it’s important that you invest in presenting high-quality content for your audience. This often means longer discussions on important topics. You should also make sure that you are providing links to authoritative sites. By doing this, you are demonstrating that you are highly knowledgeable about your chosen field. You might also want to consider the way that you write these articles. You should make sure that they aren’t too dense. Instead, use headings, sub-headings, and dot points to make it easier for your readers to digest. You can use SEO to promote these articles, making sure that they are easy for your audience to access. If done correctly, this can be a great way for people to get introduced to your brand.

As competition becomes more intense, it’s important to make sure that you are viewed as a trustworthy leader in your niche. The best way to do this is through strong ORM. We discussed some of the best ways to do this using SEO techniques. So, take control of the way that your brand is perceived online.

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