In order to increase your website’s conversion rates you need to improve the usability of your website as well as make use of various technologies that will generate leads and convert them into customers. This is called Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). By gathering data about your visitors and enabling the functionality for them to make an appointment with the click of a button, to download a whitepaper, or to enquire about a product or service, you can increase the number of online conversions on your website.
Here are some ideas which will help your website’s conversion rates:
Create landing pages
Landing pages focus on one specific message and call-to-action which makes it easy for a visitor to perform the action you want them to take, like make a purchase. Having dedicated landing pages that you direct visitors to will have a direct impact on your conversions. The easier it is to buy a product, the more likely a customer will take action. The copy on your landing page should be concise and compelling, the visuals of a high standard and engaging, the design memorable and on-brand.
Track conversions
Take a look at your current conversions and expand on what is working. Use current conversions as a benchmark to monitor the strengths and weaknesses of your CRO and your sales funnel both online and offline. You should track all conversions from phone calls and flyers to newsletter and social media engagements. You need to know where your sales are coming from so that you can make adjustments to your strategies to improve areas that aren’t converting.
Nurture potential customers
As more and more products and service flood the market with the phenomenal technological growth we’re experiencing, consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and mistrustful of brands. Privacy, security, and reliability are the most common concerns according to the 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer. By nurturing potential customers from the get-go, you will end up with a higher conversion rate as you will have already earned their trust. Engage with them on social media, always respond to calls and emails promptly, ask customers for testimonials, and offer guarantees.
Split-testing, or A/B testing, will help you to improve your conversion rate by measuring how effective the copy, layout and design, and call-to-action, of your various messages is by comparing the response to different options. For example, you create 2 landing pages to direct traffic to a product page and direct some of your potential customers to the one page and the rest to the other and then, you measure the results. This simple testing process can make a big impact on how successful your digital marketing campaigns are.