Bypass The Spam Trap
E-mail marketing strategies that generate inbox buzz
A properly-developed email campaign can bring big dividends. Marketing and PR today are about the social aspect of the way we conduct business. Gone are the hard sell, over-the-top emails that served only to annoy the recipient. In their place, are email campaigns that are more personal, friendly and effective.
We’ll tailor a campaign perfectly suited for you. You can choose an auto responder campaign that keeps working for you 24/7 or a more specific, focused campaign that targets a certain demographic or group.
We’re experts in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and it’s often part of the email campaign we design. This encourages customer loyalty and thus helps maintain a consistent stream of sales.
Successful Email Marketing Campaigns Start with:
Your Purpose and Answer
Why does this audience want to hear from your company? What useful information can your business provide to this audience?
Outline Your Goals
Goals will vary—you may want to increase subscribers for the first 3 months or focus on increasing click-rates. Eventually we will want to set your goals around increasing sales, revenue and profit.
Our Award-Winning Email Marketing Campaigns Consist of:
List Segmentation
Your potential and current customers are not all the same, and your emails should not be either.
Send Frequency
Don’t send emails when your potential and current customers are not available. Know when it’s best to send.
Measurability and Flexibility
Avenue180 can create an email campaign with an effective, measurable effect that delivers your message and brand to virtually everyone.
Request a Proposal Today!
It all starts with creating a comprehensive plan and a solid strategy. We’ll identify your goals and objectives, then set out to exceed your expectations. With measurability built in to each campaign, we can monitor the impact and effectiveness of your campaign. At Avenue180, we never lose sight of the bottom line—putting you into position to generate as many quality leads as possible.
Once your strategy is in place, it’s all about proper execution and matching the right creative with the right media. We carry out your detailed plan with pinpoint accuracy and extend your reach as far as possible. Then we measure the impact, report on the results and make any subtle changes that may be needed. A proper email marketing campaign can make a huge difference in your sales figures.