Tag: SEO agency


Google Has a New Look

Google has recently decided to roll out a new look, some changes most users will take notice of immediately such as Favicons. However, other changes may go undetected at first such as the new paid ad format. Here are some of the changes you can expect. Google Ads The search engine results have now become a little bit tricky for

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Outsourcing: The Future of SEO?

Outsourcing has become a growing trend in the SEO industry. Business, small and large alike, are bringing onboard specialized agencies to handle all of their SEO requirements. The trend is only set to grow further, as the SEO space gets more and more complex with each passing year, if not month. It is practically impossible for businesses to keep track

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Why Long-Tail Keywords Need Your Full Attention Today

Long-tail keywords have been the holy grail of SEO for as long as SEO has existed. Yet, even seasoned SEO professionals cannot resist the lure of the popular keywords at the detriment of neglecting long-tail keywords. But, what makes the long-tail keywords so important anyway? There’s not one, but many reasons that make long-tail keywords perhaps the most important element

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These Common Mistakes are Hurting Your Website’s Search Engine Rankings

SEO is complex and an ever-evolving science. It is also a long and arduous process. It takes months, if not years, for businesses to reach their desired position in search engine rankings, even when they get everything right about SEO. If they commit any mistakes in terms of SEO, then it only means more time and energy to reach their

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What Makes SEO a Continuous Process?

The internet has been the most democratizing force the world has ever seen. It is not just limited to the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and communication. It has taken even the business world by storm. A well-established business in New York faces a stiff and tough competition from a startup operating out of Hong Kong. Freelancers around the world are

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