Top SEO Trends of 2021 (So Far)
If you’re a blogger with a message to take to the masses, or a merchant with a product to promote, you’ll want to make note of SEO trends in order to ensure your site or your article gets as much traffic as possible. This article will touch on what SEO is, how it works, and some of the emerging SEO trends here in 2021.
What is SEO?
SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, which is a fancy way of tracking how often a specific word or phrase shows up in a Google search, for example. It allows you to determine the best and most strategic key words and phrases to include in a piece of writing or on your site to enable it to reach as wide of an audience as possible.
SEO Trends
As time and technology advances, the strategies behind SEO also advance and adapt. Let’s take a look at what is and will be being implemented in 2021 in this regard:
Search Input Itself
The first strategy is built on a core search engine concept: What the user wants to know. As algorithms evolve, content creators will have to learn to evolve with them, zeroing in on the sort of information that search engine users are seeking out, and tailoring their content to best meet those needs.
Visitor Retention and Loyalty
If content creators are looking to make sure that searchers visit their content and keep coming back, one of the things they’ll most have to consider is how accessible their relevant information is. It’s one thing for an article about the best tourist destinations to show up in a Google search made in preparation for a trip to Mexico, but a content creator may want to ensure that articles about the best places to sample local cuisine and a traveler’s guide to basic Spanish are easily spun off of that initial article.
Having multiple links to relevant information even if it wasn’t explicitly searched for is a way for content creators to capitalize on the initial SEO and keep readers coming back to their content.
User Experience Optimization
Similar to the last point, if searchers visit your site – better still, if they return – you’ll want to make sure that they have an optimal experience while there, not only in relation to the sort of information they can find, but how quickly and efficiently the site itself performs. If a site with relevant information to a search query appears at the top of the Google results, but the page itself takes forever to load or offers a less than stellar user experience, it will likely take a traffic hit and slip further down the search result numbers. So it’s in the content creator’s best interest to make sure their pages are running as they should be.