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Understanding User Intent

SEO is so important for your website, but it’s important to remember that the backbone of SEO is user intent. Search engines like Google are heavily focused on the user experience (UX), which is really just an aspect of user intent. The problem is that while user intent is so important for SEO, it’s also one of the most commonly misunderstood concepts. A lot of people are so focused on things like keywords that they forget about the user intent behind their searches of the keyword. What do they need? What are their intentions? This is what you need to know for the best optimization.

What is User Intent?

You probably spend all of your time looking for which keywords are high volume, meaning which ones will best bring traffic to your website. However, the user intent when they search for these keywords actually matter a lot more than just the keywords. This means that you need to find out why the person is searching those keywords. Once you know the why behind their searches, you are going to be able to better work your content to get those conversions that you are looking for.

How Can You Determine User Intent?

If you want to make sure that you are making the most of your keywords, you need to be sure that you understand the user intent. So, how can you determine user intent? Some things to consider here:

  • Do, Know, and Go

Google operates under the belief that every search query is able to be segmented within 3 categories: Do, Know, and Go. These categories are what will determine the results that the search engine users get from Google.

  • Mobile Searches

With the technology of smartphones and tablets, this has transformed how people perform their searches. People now have the ability to search whatever they need whenever they get the whim to. Typically, these searches are performed in real-time as a result of something. Mobile searches aren’t usually about completing an action, such as purchasing products or services. However, the mobile devices are typically used to do research and get the information that they need to make an informed decision before purchasing products or services.

  • Click-less Searches

With the Featured Snippet, you do get the prime real estate on searches that you may be looking for. You can get noticed and you may help with your brand awareness. However, the problem is that people may not necessarily click through your website. It may be better to appear in special content result blocks instead to bring traffic to your website.


The world of user intent and results are always changing as Google is always updating their approaches to improve the user experience. At the end of the day, the user experience is the most important thing for Google because they want to make sure that people return to their search engines to find the information that they need. You don’t want to just drive traffic to your website, you want to bring in users who are going to purchase your products or services. That’s why you need to focus on user intent.

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